Thank your Future self this Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time for family, fun, football, and feasting on our favorite foods.
According to the Calorie Control Council, an industry group. The average American will consume a hefty 3,000 calories on Thanksgiving — for dinner alone.
The Bad News:
The 4th Thursday in November is typically the kick-off to heavy eating season, which can mean putting on a few extra holiday pounds that become difficult to shed in the new year.
According to a Cornell University study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, half the weight gained around the holidays can stick around until summer or beyond. Researchers found that the average American’s weight rose 0.2 percent during the Thanksgiving holiday. In the 10 days following Christmas, Americans on average weighed 0.4 percent more than they did the 10 days before Christmas.
The Good news:
Eating an excessive meal one time isn’t likely to lead to permanent weight gain or long-term health effects. Obviously it’s not good for us, but it’s what you do after Turkey day that really counts.
Feeling guilty or defeated for over-indulging will only set you back in your goals.
The Strategy:
Do something your future self will thank you for, and stop this vicious holiday cycle in its tracks by focusing on mindful eating. Be engaged at the table, eat slowly, savor each bite, and enjoy the time with family and friends. Realize that it is OK to have that slice of cake if you made room for it. Avoid the “all-or-nothing” mentality – what matters isn’t a single meal, but your healthy eating practices day to day.
Tips to stay on track before, during, and after the holiday:
– Don’t separate foods into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ – enjoy them for what they are (savory, creamy, sweet). Take away the negative feelings associated and you’ll be less likely to overeat.
– Do not compensate by eating less the days before or after
– Lean protein and vegetables with lots of fiber will help to slow digestion and keep you full longer on the days following
– Send leftovers with family and friends!
– Drink plenty of H20! Recommend a minimum of 72 oz. daily
– Kick- in exercise throughout the week to help control cravings, burn calories, balance mood and blood sugar and sweat out the excess salt!
– Notice when you start to feel full, and give yourself permission to stop or say no
– Bring a healthy dish to share
– Don’t skimp on sleep!
Above all else, enjoy this special time with family and friends guilt-free. Have a safe & Wonderful Holiday from your friends at MD Weight Loss!