No Halloween is complete without candy corn. Whether you enjoy candy or not, it is likely that you will indulge in some at some point this Halloween season. A handful of 20 candy corn is estimated to be 150 calories. So just how long do we need to exercise in order to burn off the sugary treats?

You would need to carve out 17 minutes for a moderate-intensity jog in order to burn off 20 pieces of candy corn. Here are a few more surprising sugary statistics by, Katie Rosenbrock of, “The Active Times:”

To burn off 2 Pieces of Reeses at 210 calories: 10 minutes vigorous weight-lifting, 12 minutes of yoga, and 16 squat jumps

To burn off 4 mini snickers at 170 calories: 6 minutes of jogging, 5 minutes of swimming and 7 minutes of stationary bike (high intensity)

To burn off 3 pieces of Jolly Ranchers at 70 calories: 5 minutes of bench knee tucks, 5 minutes of barbell wrist curls, 3 minutes of dumbbell shoulder shrugs

So what can we do to avoid the sweet temptations this season, as well as the guilt that follows?

Allow yourself 2 or 3 Dark chocolate kisses at night, or indulge in a healthy seasonal treat to get your fix. A few of our favorites include: Halo Top pumpkin Ice cream (90 calories per serving), or Delighted by Dessert Hummus at only 50 calories for 2 TBSP.

Balance & Discipline will be your go-to Recipe this Fall! Just think- you will avoid the unavoidable sugar crashes and constant cravings that result from sugar overload if you consume in moderation.

Your friends at MD Weight Loss wish you a Happy & Safe Halloween!

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